Whistleblower Report Form

The purpose of the Whistleblowing report form is to maintain sound Corporate Governance practices, to comply with CMA requirements and to govern the capturing and processing of concerns and questionable matters.

  • • The Whistleblowing form enables the Whistleblower to report any and all concerns and incidents, which are factual and not based on mere speculations, rumors, and/or gossip.
  • • Any stakeholder may report their concerns, that shall be processed in accordance with URC’s Whistleblowing P&P.
  • • A reporter shall be also referred to as a whistleblower throughout these instructions.
  • • Reasonable care, judgement, honesty, and fairness shall be exercised by the Whistleblower while reporting an incident in what renders the best possible truth.
  • • No report shall be considered credible unless supported by adequate and detailed evidence.
  • • The Whistleblowing form is not a platform for private grievance. As the Company has other relevant P&Ps for individual employees to express their grievances.
  • • A whistleblower shall maintain an outmost level of confidentiality and is strictly prohibited from disclosing any related information to any type of Media at any time.
Whistleblower’s Responsibilities
  • • A whistleblower is responsible for reading, understanding, and complying with all of this guidance.
  • • The Company expects a whistleblower to report an incident the soonest possible in a complete and comprehensive manner, delaying a report may subject a whistleblower to interrogation and skepticism.
  • • A whistleblower shall co-operate with the Investigation.
  • • A whistleblower shall not interfere with or try to influence the investigation process in any manner.
  • • In case a Whistleblowing investigation concludes it to be made maliciously, in bad faith, or for personal benefits, the Company shall reserve the right to take appropriate disciplinary actions.
  • • Allegations made maliciously or falsified shall be regarded as a serious disciplinary offense, including termination, or other legal means.
Whistleblower’s Rights
  • • Protection for Whistleblowers - who do so in good faith-against harassment, retaliation, or adverse employment consequences.
  • • A whistleblower who suspects to be a victim of any retaliation shall report the same immediately.
  • • A whistleblower’s protection does not extend to cover any other personal wrongdoing that is alleged and investigated.
  • • Any direct or indirect retaliation attempt against a whistleblower shall be subject to strict disciplinary action.

  • Kindly fill in the information as requested below. Once completed, press the ‘Submit’ button below. Whether a whistleblower chooses to remain anonymous or not, they should give the most detailed information, files can be uploaded below.

Reporter’s Contact Information

(This section maybe left blank if the reporter wish to remain anonymous)

Suspect’s Information

*Upto 4 images (total size: 18MB) File types allowed: .jpg, .png, .gif

Complaint :Briefly describe the misconduct / improper activity and how you know about it.

size upto 4MB